88387 Ridgid Power Spin drain cleaner,

drain 88387 Ridgid Power Spin cleaner,

drain cleaner,

88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Description
Ridgid 88387 Power SPin Hand SPInner Auger 1/4" x 25 Foot Cable Can Add a Variable Speed Drill.
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88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Details
Light-duty product for drains up to 1-1/2".
Comfortable hand grip eases effort.
1/4" x 25' hollow core cable.
Power Spin automatically advances and retrieves cable.
Power Spin operates by hand or by adding any variable speed drill (not included).
88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Reviews
88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Review 1:
We had a clogged sink and bath tub drain. I didnt want to call a plumber because it is usually a minimum of $100 per drain. So we went to Home Depot and the guy there suggested this item. I have to say I was skeptical. Usually when I take on a project that I assume will be simple it usually turns into some huge deal. This item was under $50 and worked like a charm! Now I no longer take a foot bath at the same time I am taking a shower. It has some very awesome features and comes with a life time warrenty! It is super easy to use and next time I have a clogged drain I dont have to dread spending the money on a plumber on such a simple task.
88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Review 2:
I had a cheaper auger(snake)and it got kinked up and was useless after a few uses, so I was skeptical to get a similar model. This thing rocks! Great design solid build and cheap. Used with a drill the autofeed works perfectly. Highly recommended!
88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Review 3:
My kitchen sink was clogged, with what I'll never know. I tried all those pour down the drain chemicals that supposedly work like magic. Yea right, the only magic in those is the disappearance of my money literally down the drain. After 3 hours of frustration and no results I called a plumber who was going to charge me 110.00 to come open the drain. He kindly suggested I go rent a snake from the local lumber yard. I decided to see if there were any for sale and thus keep my money for future use should the event happen again. I found this little gem at the Ho$$medepot store for under 30 dollars. It took all of 5 minutes to unclog my drain. It was simple, easy to use, easy to clean up, and didn't, for once, require brute strength to use. I'm a 54 year old woman and it's a great tool to have around the house. Glad I found it.
88387 Ridgid Power Spin Drain Cleaner Review 4:
I bought this model at Home Depot today and it works fantastic. This model can be either cranked manually or the crank can be removed and it can be powered by a drill. I cannot think of a reason a person would opt for the crank. Before I bought this one, I mistakenly bought a similar Ridgid model at Home Depot which can not be powered by a drill. I found the manual model to be ineffective. I was trying to snake the pipe under my bathroom sink starting where the pipe enters the wall. There is a 90 degree turn there. I could not spin the crank and guide the auger while awkwardly positioned below the sink. I tried to just push the auger in but without spinning it, I could not get it to go through the turn. Finally, I gave up and returned to Home Depot to get this model (88387). It worked like a charm.